Complete Information on HLA B27 Test in India including Cost in Different Cities

A Comprehensive Guide to HLA-B27 Test in India – Significance, Procedure Risks and Cost of HLA B27 brings you complete information on HLA-B27 test so that you have a right understanding of the significance of the test and you go well prepared  for the same.

The information is covered under following topics :

  1. What is the cost of the HLA-B27 Test?
  2. What is HLA-B27 test?
  3. Why is it done?
  4. What is the procedure of the Test?
  5. What preparations are required for the test?
  6. Are there any risks involved?
  7. What does the test result mean?
  8. How to book the HLA-B27 test?

If you want to book your HLA-B27 test now, please book online at or give us call or Whatsapp on 08882668822.

What is the cost of the HLA-B27 Test in India?

Cost of HLA B27 Test in India varies from ₹ 1180 to ₹ 2000. You may book the test through in key cities like Delhi, Bangalore, Gurgaon, Hyderabad and many more. Click on the links below to book online.

HLA-B27 Test by Flowcytometry Labsadvisor Min. cost of HLA-B27
HLA-B27 Test Cost in Delhi ₹ 1180
HLA-B27 Test Cost in Noida ₹ 1400
HLA-B27 Test Cost in Gurgaon ₹ 1400
HLA-B27 Test Cost in Mumbai ₹ 1575
HLA-B27 Test Cost in Chennai ₹ 1980
HLA-B27 Test Cost in Bangalore ₹ 1400
HLA-B27 Test Cost in Hyderabad ₹ 1870
Cost of HLA-B27 Test by Flowcytometry in other cities of India
HLA-B27 Test by PCR Labsadvisor Min. cost of HLA-B27 (PCR)
HLA-B27 (PCR) Test Cost in Delhi  ₹ 1600
HLA-B27 (PCR) Test Cost in Noida ₹ 1600
HLA-B27 (PCR) Test Cost in Gurgaon ₹ 1600
HLA-B27 (PCR) Test Cost in Mumbai ₹ 2325
HLA-B27 (PCR) Test Cost in Chennai ₹ 1530
HLA-B27 (PCR) Test Cost in Bangalore ₹ 1360
HLA-B27 (PCR) Test Cost in Hyderabad ₹ 2430

What is HLA-B27 Test?

HLA-B27 stands for Human Leukocyte antigen B27.  It is a protein found on the outer surface of your white blood cells. HLA helps your immune system differentiate between healthy body tissues and foreign substances that can cause infection. Most HLA protects your body from harmful foreign invasion. HLA-B27 is a specific type of protein whose presence causes immune system dysfunction. If HLA-B27 is present on your white blood cell, it can cause your immune system to attack the healthy cells. This type of disorder is called as auto immune disorder or immune mediated disease. The autoimmune diseases associated with HLA-B27 are:

The HLA-B27 test is a blood test that looks for the presence of antigen HLA-B27.

Why is the test ordered?

Your doctor can order an HLA-B27 test if you have following symptoms:

  • join pain or inflammation of joints
  • inflammation of urethra accompanied by skin lesions.
  • swelling or stiffness of spine, neck or chest
  • recurring inflammation of swelling of middle of eye .

The HLA-B27 test is initially ordered to help in confirming a suspected diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis (AS)reactive arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA), or sometimes anterior uveitis.

The test itself is not a diagnostic test i.e. it does not definitely confirm or rule out any associated diseases. It just adds a piece of evidence to the signs and symptoms of the auto-immune disorders.

You may also be prescribed an HLA-B27 test , if you will be undergoing a kidney or bone marrow transplant. The test will ensure a compatibility match between you and your donor.

What is the procedure of the test?

The test involves drawing of blood from your arm using a small needle. A lab technician will collect the blood sample and send it to lab for analysis.

What preparations are required for the test?

As such no special preparation is required as it is a simple blood test. However, do speak to your doctor if you are on some medications to check if you need to stop the medication for the test.

HLA-B27 Test Cost in Delhi – HLA-B27 Test in Delhi

Are there any risks involved?

The HLA27 test carries minimal risks same as those associated with any blood test. They are:

  • difficulty in locating the vein from which sample is to be drawn . This may sometimes result in multiple needle insertion.
  • if you suffer from a blood clot disorder, excessive bleeding can occur at the puncture sight.
  • you may feel light-headedness or experience blackout after the blood is drawn.
  • infection may occur at the puncture site.

The above risks are very rare and can be easily handled.

What does the test result mean?

If an HLA-B27 test is negative, means that the antigen was not detected. Negative test result does not mean that you do not have the suspected condition since people who do not have the antigen can also develop autoimmune diseases. Likewise, someone who is tested HLA-B27 positive does not necessarily develop one of these conditions. Diagnosis of  autoimmune disorder should be made on the basis of your symptoms and the results of all blood tests. Your doctor will guide you further after receiving your test results.

Researchers are trying to determine the  factors or triggers which increases the likelihood of developing the disease in people carrying HLA-B27 antigens.

How can book HLA-B27 Test in India?

You may call at 08882668822 now to book your HLA-B27 test in India. You can also download our Android App LabsAdvisor’ from Google Play store. If you want a call back, please fill out the form given below.

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